Do you build BMS functions?

Reach the next level with Batemo!


Devel­oping a battery manage­ment system (BMS) is an exciting but challenging task. It means to create and imple­ment fast battery models, estima­tors and functions that ensure optimal opera­tion of the battery – under all conditions and during the full lifetime of the system. All of that must run with limited compu­ta­tional power on cost-effec­tive micro­con­trollers or in a more powerful backend in the cloud. This requires great exper­tise and deep know-how. Something that is missing when technology evolves fast – like in the battery business with novel chemistries that all have their own challenges.

The major problem is that fast, physical and accurate battery models are missing for BMS devel­op­ment. As an alter­na­tive, simple equiv­a­lent circuit-based models are used as software-in-the-loop plant models before testing but fail to describe the battery correctly. This causes major issues in valida­tion testing when the BMS trans­lates all model errors to BMS state or parameter errors: inaccu­rate predic­tions, additional battery aging and unsafe opera­tion are the consequence. 
This is true for many aspects of BMS devel­op­ment. Let’s make some examples: 
Finding reliable answers to these questions fast is diffi­cult… very difficult. 


You need the ultimate tool for the devel­op­ment of your battery manage­ment system. The battery is a crucial compo­nent of your system, knowing its state precisely and control­ling it optimally is key. That is what you achieve with the Batemo Cell Models. They use Batemo’s unique modeling technology with globally validated battery cell models.
The under­lying idea is to develop your BMS not with simpli­fied models but with the most accurate battery cell models there are. With Batemo Cell Models as your plant models, you ensure that every­thing during devel­op­ment holds true when you move to testing and BMS system valida­tion. Using Batemo Cell Models pushes your BMS devel­op­ment to the next level to build better batteries with less resources a lot faster.


The Batemo Cell Models run within a full automa­tion backend and simulate within seconds. You imple­ment your BMS innova­tions and get immediate feedback on function­ality and quality.


Batemo Cell Models build on our unique modeling technology. We get the physics right and describe all relevant electrical, chemical, thermal and physical processes inside the cell. And only then your BMS simula­tions are correct, always! 


The Batemo Cell Models are the most accurate battery cell model there are – guaran­teed! We always demon­strate the validity through exten­sive measure­ments that prove highest accuracy. 
The method­ology we apply is extremely thorough and novel in battery manage­ment system devel­op­ment. It combines Batemo simula­tions, proto­typing and testing in the most efficient way possible. 
  • 1st

    You use an avail­able Batemo Cell Model from the Batemo Cell Model Library or we create a custom cell model specif­i­cally for you. 

  • 2nd

    Using software-in-the-loop devel­op­ment methods you optimize your BMS algorithms. Precise simula­tions provide immediate feedback on new features you imple­ment. Before you push code changes, automated simula­tion test routines exten­sively check your BMS in the full opera­tional regime and under various battery aging states to reduce the error proba­bility in your BMS more than one order of magni­tude. This is true for your BMS cell model, the filters, estima­tors and all functions. 

  • 3rd

    As a final step, you move to valida­tion testing. Because the Batemo Cell Model is valid, it is very unlikely that you run into issues during BMS valida­tion testing. 


Using the Batemo Cell Models makes your BMS devel­op­ment simula­tion-based, making it faster, lower cost while leading to better BMS algorithms and overall results. This is how we generate value and contribute to your success. 


Using the Batemo Cell Models you reduce the proba­bility of algorithm and code errors in your BMS software by one order of magni­tude. Every day you run thousands of automated test scenarios yielding a highest quality BMS.


With the Batemo Cell Models your BMS devel­op­ment takes a fraction of the time. You get immediate feedback on the function­ality of your adaptions and improve­ments. This is how you avoid re-design loops.

Lower Cost

The Batemo Cell Models reduce cost of your battery system. Your BMS identi­fies the battery state more accure­ately, always. This yields less oversizing and higher utiliza­tion of all battery component. 


Let’s Take the First step!